Compassionate Care You're Worthy Of

You need someone to turn to when faced with something as important as an unexpected pregnancy. Whether you’re considering abortion or not, let our team be there for you. We want to hear about your situation and discuss your options, including abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks. 

What Should I Know About Abortion?

Arkansas banned all abortions except to save the mother’s life in a medical emergency. It would be necessary for you to travel to access an abortion. 

In the earliest weeks of pregnancy, some women have a medical abortion, also called the abortion pill method. This method requires you to take two drugs—the first to terminate the pregnancy and the second to remove it from your body.

With this type of abortion, you experience cramping and bleeding, potentially heavy bleeding. You may feel sick to your stomach and have diarrhea. The risks include a failed abortion which may require more drugs or a surgical procedure. You’re also at risk of infection.
Later pregnancies often require a surgical procedure in a clinic or hospital. Surgical abortions are more involved and more expensive, requiring a longer stay.

Do I Have Other Options?

If you carry your pregnancy to term, you have two other options: making an adoption plan or parenting. Both choices require a strong support network, and we want to provide you with the emotional and physical support you need.

What Should I Know About Adoption?

If you feel now is not the best time to parent your child, placing them for adoption may be a wonderful option. Many women choose this option because they don’t feel emotionally or financially secure to raise a child.

There are many myths about adoption. For instance, you don’t “give up” your baby to strangers. 

Nowadays, the birth mother (and father, if available) chooses the potential adoptive parents and the future they want for their child. You can meet the family before giving birth to find out if they’re the right ones for you.

In Arkansas, reputable adoption agencies can possibly pay for your pregnancy-related expenses such as rent, utilities, food, medical care, and more. Adoption is not “giving up.” It is making a plan for a better future for your child. Ask us for more information on adoption.

What Should I Know About Parenting?

You may be surprised at the many community resources available to help you parent successfully. At HopePlace, our team also provides education and support. We want to come alongside you to help you become the best parent possible.

All of our classes are free, and scheduling is flexible. We cover topics like pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. You can also participate in our earn-while-you-learn program. For every class you complete, you receive points that you trade for items like diapers, wipes, baby and maternity clothes, and other necessities.

Ask about community resources and referrals for women and families in our area. We also have free services for men to assist them in becoming better fathers.

What Should I Know About HopePlace?

At HopePlace, we treat you with the respect you deserve. What you choose to do about your unplanned pregnancy is your decision. We just want to be there to help you.

Schedule an appointment today by calling (870) 217-0672. We’ll provide a listening ear, a helping hand, and open arms. You’re always welcome at HopePlace.

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