Compassionate Care You're Worthy Of

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

When you hear someone talking about an online or at-home abortion, they are referring to the abortion pill method. This type of abortion uses drugs to terminate a pregnancy.  There are physical and emotional risks of using abortion drugs that you should be aware of beforehand. Here are a few reasons why you should avoid

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What Is a Medical Abortion?

Anytime an abortion provider recommends drugs to terminate a pregnancy, they are suggesting a medical abortion. This method is also known as the abortion pill. However, it isn’t one pill. It’s two powerful drugs taken over a 24-48 hour period. There are certain limitations, side effects, and potential risks, so we’re glad you’re asking about

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My Partner is Pressuring Me to Have an Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

Discovering an unplanned pregnancy is difficult enough, but then to have your partner pressuring you to make one decision over another is even more stressful. You need to be able to think clearly, without pressure. Sometimes, it helps just to have someone to talk to who understands your situation. Contact the caring staff at HopePlace

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I Don’t Want Another Abortion

Many women report negative emotional effects from a previous abortion experience. Some even report symptoms like anxiety and depression. You are not alone if you don’t want to have another abortion. Your feelings are valid, and you have options. Contact us for a free options consultation. What Are My Options? You have three options for

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I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What Are My Options?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and don’t want another abortion, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed, anxious, scared, and all the emotions in between. Your feelings are understandable, but you’re not alone in this. At HopePlace Newport, we’re here for you. We provide a safe space to explore your options and offer free pregnancy resources to

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

Abortion, no matter which method you have, has a physical effect on every woman’s body. Although no one can accurately predict how you will respond physically, you can expect specific side effects and be aware of potential physical risks. At Hope Place, your health and safety are important to us. You deserve to have the

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Do I Have to Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

How to deal with your unplanned pregnancy is strictly your decision. No one can force you to make one choice over another. However, unless you are in an unsafe relationship and fear telling your partner would put you in danger, they deserve to know. Does your partner know about your pregnancy? If so, you may

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

If you have recently found out you are unexpectedly pregnant, you may be considering abortion. You’ve come to the right place if you want to know how abortion might affect you physically and mentally. Although we do not provide or refer for abortion, we can provide accurate information about the possible consequences like anxiety and

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I Don’t Want to be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Pregnancy can cause you to feel many different emotions, especially if it is an unexpected pregnancy. You may be anxious or even frightened. It’s okay. We want you to know you have options, and we are here to be the support you can count on. Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy? Confirming your pregnancy involves more

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

You need someone to turn to when faced with something as important as an unexpected pregnancy. Whether you’re considering abortion or not, let our team be there for you. We want to hear about your situation and discuss your options, including abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks.  What Should I Know About Abortion? Arkansas

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