If your period is late and you’re feeling sick, you could be pregnant. However, other health issues can cause a late period. Stress, increased exercise, and a hormone imbalance can all cause a change in your menstrual cycle.
Your best bet is to take a pregnancy test. HopePlace offers a free pregnancy test, and your results remain strictly confidential.
Other Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Every woman’s pregnancy, just like every woman, is unique. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms immediately, while others don’t experience any for several weeks.
Here are a few early symptoms you might experience:
- A missed period
- Nausea with or without vomiting
- Fatigue
- Increased urination
- Breast tenderness
Other symptoms can include:
- Moodiness
- Bloating
- Light spotting
- Cramping
- Constipation
- Food aversions
- Nasal congestion
Can I Take an At-Home Pregnancy Test?
Yes, over-the-counter pregnancy tests are reliable if you follow the directions carefully. Experts recommend these steps:
- Check the expiration date before taking the test.
- Read the instructions thoroughly.
- Wait until a day or two after your missed period.
- Take the test in the morning when your urine is most concentrated.
- Read the results after waiting the correct amount of time.
- Test again in a few days to confirm the results.
How Can HopePlace Help Me?
We are a safe place to get the information and help you need. Your pregnancy test results are confidential, and we’ll take the time to listen to you about your situation. If you’d like, bring a friend or close family member with you.
You can schedule an appointment online or call us at (870) 217-0672. We’re here to help you in whatever way we can. Reach out to us today!