Compassionate Care You're Worthy Of

Discovering an unplanned pregnancy is difficult enough, but then to have your partner pressuring you to make one decision over another is even more stressful. You need to be able to think clearly, without pressure. Sometimes, it helps just to have someone to talk to who understands your situation.

Contact the caring staff at HopePlace to set up a free appointment to discuss your situation thoroughly.

Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy First?

Experts estimate that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Because it takes a woman’s body time to return to pre-pregnancy hormone levels, it is possible to get a positive pregnancy test even after miscarrying.

At HopePlace, we offer free pregnancy testing and an ultrasound referral so you can get the information you need about your pregnancy. With an ultrasound, you’ll learn how far along you are in your pregnancy, if it is growing or if you’ve had a miscarriage, and if it’s located safely in your uterus.

Have You and Your Partner Considered All of Your Options?

Although your partner may be considering abortion as your only option, you have other options. Abortion has the potential for physical and mental complications that you need to be aware of. It may seem like the easiest solution for your partner, but what does it mean for you?

Making an Adoption Plan

Do you know it costs you nothing to place your child for adoption? If you are uninsured, the adoption agency you choose can make arrangements to pay all of your prenatal and delivery expenses.

Depending on your situation, you might receive pregnancy-related assistance, such as rent, food, utilities, clothing, etc. Choosing to make an adoption plan for your child ensures they have a healthy, happy life, and you have the opportunity to continue a relationship with them.


If your partner is pressuring you to have an abortion, they are most likely not interested in parenting, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it on your own. At HopePlace, we offer parenting assistance and community referrals for further help.

We provide free parenting education to equip you, and if you participate, you can receive material assistance such as diapers, baby clothing, formula, strollers, and more.


One of the first things you want to consider is why your partner is pressuring you. Is he afraid of the financial responsibility? Does he not want to be a father? Is he thinking abortion will make the “problem” go away?

Be aware of the potential risks of abortion, such as an infection from an incomplete abortion, heavy and prolonged bleeding, or severe abdominal or back pain. You also need to consider the emotional consequences. For some women, abortion can cause anxiety and depression from guilt, a sense of loss, or sadness.

How Can HopePlace Help Me?

In addition to assisting you with free pregnancy testing and an ultrasound referral, we offer free life services. Contact us to learn about everything available. If your partner is open to talking, we provide free services to support him, too.

Fill out our convenient and confidential online Contact Form. Your appointment costs you nothing, and we’re ready to offer a listening ear and a helpful hand. We’re here for you.

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