Compassionate Care You're Worthy Of

When thinking about options for your unplanned pregnancy, you must consider all of your choices. If you are unprepared to parent, your other two choices are having an abortion or placing your child for adoption. Only you can decide which is right for you. 

By law, no one can force you to choose either one. You have the freedom to choose the best outcome for yourself. Consider visiting HopePlace Newport to discuss your situation. We are a safe place that will never judge or lecture you.

Confirm Your Pregnancy First

Before you make any decision, make sure that you have verified your pregnancy. We offer free pregnancy testing and can confirm your initial results with a re-test if necessary. 

We can also refer you for a limited ultrasound to get more information about your pregnancy, like how far along you are and if it is viable (progressing).

Learn More About Your Options

The only way to make a confident decision is to educate yourself about abortion procedures and the adoption process. There are a lot of misunderstandings about both.


Like with any major medical decision, abortion has significant physical and emotional risks. The two main kinds of abortion are medical and surgical. Medical abortion is also known as the abortion pill. Currently, the FDA has approved the use of the medical abortion method (the abortion pill) for up to 70 days or less since the first day of your last menstrual period.

The most common physical risk of the abortion pill is incomplete abortion. Other risks include infection, heavy and prolonged bleeding, and digestive system discomfort.

Abortion providers generally use surgical abortion procedures for later pregnancies. A provider may use a suction device, a tool for scraping the lining of the uterus, and even forceps, if necessary, to remove larger parts of the pregnancy. 

Risks of surgical abortion include perforation of the uterus, damage to the cervix, and infection.


Some women experience emotional and psychological effects afterward. Feelings of guilt, shame, sadness, and depression can appear immediately after or even years later. HopePlace offers post-abortion healing and coaching.

Making an Adoption Plan

There have been many myths surrounding adoption. Women think they are giving their babies up to total strangers and never see them again. Nothing can be further from the truth.

The adoption plan the expectant woman or birth mother makes depends on how much communication she wants with her child and their adoptive family after placement. By selecting an open adoption plan, she exchanges identifying information like full names, addresses, and phone numbers with her chosen adoptive parents.

There are other plans as well. When placing your child for adoption, you can choose the parents and the future you want for your child. 


As with abortion, some women experience deep sadness and depression because they chose adoption for their child. It takes a solid support network and counseling to move forward.

Ensure the adoption agency or specialist you choose provides counseling during and after the adoption finalization.

How Do You Know Whether Abortion Or Adoption Is Best?

Schedule a free and confidential appointment with one of our caring client advocates. We can discuss your situation privately, answer your questions, and give you more information.

Arkansas has banned abortion, so you would need to travel if you choose this option. Make sure you’ve had all your questions answered first. We can also provide referrals to reputable adoption agencies in our area. 

Reach out to us today and find the support you deserve in a safe environment you can trust.

Support You Can Trust